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All about Virtual Reality-VR


What is Virtual Reality ?

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a Simulated environment.
This immersive environment can be similar to the real world or it can be fantastical.

Major Concepts

VR must allow the user to view the environment from any point and at any angle
VR must allow the user to interact with objects in the environment.

Why VR?

               VR is able to immerse you in a computer-generated world of your own making: a room, a city, the interior of human body !
With VR, you can explore any uncharted territory of the human imagination.

Brief History

In 1950s, flight simulators were built by US Air Force to train student pilots.
In 1965, a research program for computer graphics called “The Ultimate Display” was laid out.
In 1988, commercial development of VR began.
In 1991, first commercial entertainment VR system "Virtuality" was released.

Sensorama - world 1st VR system

§  The Sensorama was a machine that is one of the earliest known examples of immersive, multi-sensory (now known as multimodal) technology. 

§  This technology, which was introduced in 1962 by Morton Heilig, is considered as one of the earliest virtual reality (VR) systems.

§  It simulated a motorcycle ride through New York and created the experience by having the spectator sit in an imaginary motorcycle while experiencing the street through the screen, fan-generated wind, and the simulated noise and smell of the city.
Sensorama - world 1st VR system-virtual-reality-VR
Sensorama - world 1st VR system

Components of VR Systems

1.  Input Processor

Control the devices used to input information to the computer. 
Keyboard, mouse, 3D position trackers, a voice recognition system, etc.

2.  Simulation Processor

Core of a VR system.
Takes the user inputs along with any tasks programmed into the world and determine the actions that will take place in the virtual world.

3.  Rendering Processor

Create the sensations that are output to the user.
Separate rendering processes are used for  visual, auditory, haptic and other sensory systems.

4.  World Database

Store the objects that inhabit the world, scripts that describe actions of those objects.

Types of VR System

1. Windows on World (WoW)

·        Also called Desktop VR.
·        Using a conventional computer monitor to display the 3D virtual world.
·        Does not require special hardware
·        Low Cost, Low Performance, Less Immersion

2. Telepresence

·        Real-time telepresence
·        Interactions are reflected to some real world objects.
·        Delayed telepresence
·        Interactions are recorded, and after satisfaction is applied to the real-world object.

3. Immersive VR

·        Completely immerse the user's personal viewpoint inside the virtual 3D world.
·        The user has no visual contact with the physical word. 
·        Often equipped with a Head Mounted Display (HMD).

4. Mixed Reality(Augmented Reality)

·        The seamless merging of real space and virtual space.
·        Integrate the computer-generated virtual objects into the physical world which become in a sense an equal part of our natural environment.

5. Distributed VR

·        A simulated world runs on several computers which are connected over network and the people are able to interact in real time, sharing the same virtual world.  
Popular VR Handset
1.      Google Cardboard

2.      Samsung Gear

3.      Oculus Rift


VR Applications


       More vivid
       Move exciting
       More attractive


       Practice performing surgery.
       Perform surgery on a remote patient.
       Teach new skills in a safe, controlled environment.


       Easy to modify
       Low cost
       High efficient

Education & Training

       Driving simulators.
       Flight simulators.
       Ship simulators.
       Tank simulators.

Current problems & Future work

L Cybersickness / simulator sickness
L  Low-fidelity
L  Expensive
L  Lack of integration between application packages
J  High-fidelity system
J  Cost-saving
J  Collaborative
J  High-level contact between participants in distributed VR


VR introduces a new way of interacting with computers
The best of VR is yet to come
Web is very suitable for VR applications, but the proper technology is not yet there

We hope you will get better understanding from “All about Virtual Reality”. 

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1 comment:

  1. Virtual Reality (VR) is a transformative technology that immerses users in simulated environments, blurring the line between the physical and digital worlds. https://www.mobilezmarket.com/
